Results for 'Tomaz Carlos Flores Jacques'

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  1.  83
    Philosophy in Black: African Philosophy as a Negritude.Tomaz Carlos Flores Jacques - 2011 - Sartre Studies International 17 (1):1-19.
    African philosophy, as a negritude, is a moment in the postcolonial critique of European/Western colonialism and the bodies of knowledge that sustained it. Yet a critical analysis of its' original articulations reveals the limits of this critique and more broadly of postcolonial studies, while also pointing towards more radical theoretical possibilities within African philosophy. Jean-Paul Sartre's essay 'Black Orpheus', a philosophical appropriation of negritude poetry, serves as a guide for this reflection, for the text reveals the inspiration and wealth of (...)
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  2.  48
    The Presence of the Body in Digital Education: A Phenomenological Approach to Embodied Experience.Carlos Willatt & Luis Manuel Flores - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):21-37.
    In a context of pervasive digitalization of the social world, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the field of education has undergone major changes with the development of digital practices and settings. However, the physical presence of the subjects and the body remain something primordial and irreplaceable in traditional educational processes. Thus, it is often assumed that virtuality is opposed to the corporeal reality of the subjects involved in teaching, learning and studying. In this paper we aim to critically (...)
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    Enhanced habituation produced by posttrial peripheral injection of substance P.Maria S. Aguiar & Carlos Tomaz - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):204-206.
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  4. Aspectos éticos da experimentação com animais não humanos.Ronald Gerardo Garcia Gomez & Carlos Alberto Bezerra Tomaz - 2007 - In Dirce Guilhem & Fabio Zicker, Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios. Brasília: Editora UnB.
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    Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante, Nelly Altamirano-Bustamante, David Bialostozky, Héctor Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Carmen Flores Cisneros, Ana Serrano, Sergio Ricco, Jorge Mendez, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado & Adalberto de Hoyos - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8 (1):1-9.
    IntroductionCardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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  6.  14
    El mal, la razón y el dolor: breve análisis de los principios de la ética en Kant y en Schopenhauer.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2013 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (5):12-26.
  7.  13
    El programa de Grice: Más allá del significado literal intencioalidad y expectativa.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2015 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 5 (9):7.
    Cuando un hablante emite una proferencia x, hay ocasiones en las quela audiencia puede entender otra cosa que diverge del significado literalde los signos o símbolos empleados en x; a saber, la audiencia, alescuchar x, entiende y. Sin embargo, esto no se debe a que en algunacircunstancia particular el significado literal de x cambie (éste es atemporale inmutable); pero entonces, cómo o por qué es que en algunasocasiones, por ejemplo en el sarcasmo, la ironía o los albures, la audiencialogra identificar (...)
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  8. El desarrollo sostenible y la agenda 21.Carlos Bustos Flores & Galia B. Chacón Parra - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2):164-181.
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    Pedagogía para la práctica educativa del siglo XXI.René Pedroza Flores, V. Jiménez & Carlos Alberto (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: MAPorrúa, Librero-Editor.
  10.  13
    Reexamining love of wisdom: philosophical desire from Socrates to Nietzsche.Juan Carlos Flores - 2016 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    What is philosophy? Why does it matter? How have philosophy and its relation to religion and science changed from the ancient to the medieval and modern periods and beyond? What are the central philosophical ideas, from Socrates to Nietzsche? Reexamining Love of Wisdom addresses these questions. It offers a new perspective by organizing the material under the theme of philosophical desire and shows the timeless importance of philosophy understood as the love of wisdom. Flores provides an historical introduction to (...)
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  11.  16
    Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity.Juan Carlos Flores - 2006 - Leuven University Press. Edited by Henry.
    His rich and multifaceted thought influenced many different traditions; he has been seen as an eclectic. This book elucidates Henry of Ghent's philosophical and theological system with special reference to his Trinitarian writings.
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  12.  69
    From savages and barbarians to primitives: Africa, social typologies, and history in eighteenth–century French philosophy.T. Carlos Jacques - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (2):190–215.
    This article describes the conceptual framework within which knowledge about Africa was legitimized in eighteenth-century French philosophy. The article traces a shift or rupture in this conceptual framework which, at the end of the eighteenth century, led to the emergence of new conditions for knowledge legitimation that altered Europe's perception of Africa. The article examines these two conceptual frameworks within the context of a discussion of the social theory of the time, which categorized Africans first as savages, and then, with (...)
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  13.  20
    La 'pérdida del aura' en la obra de arte: observaciones a la teoría de Walter Benjamín.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2014 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 4 (8):26-32.
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  14.  61
    Accidental and Essential Causality in John Duns Scotus' Treatise «On The First Principle».Juan Carlos Flores - 2000 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 67 (1):96-113.
    Exemplifying a tradition in which philosophy describes itself as faith seeking understanding, John Duns Scotus’ De Primo Principio attempts to make the existence of God intelligible to natural reason. In this work, Scotus bases his argument for the existence of God upon his understanding of essentially ordered causes. Within the framework of essential order, Scotus locates God in His relation to creatures as their necessary, first efficient, and ultimate final cause. He develops this project relying on the view that the (...)
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  15.  27
    Estudio de percepción de estudiantes de medicina veterinaria de la modalidad on-line a la presencialidad.Carlos A. Flores Olivares, Pamela E. Yañez Mariman, Bárbara A. Espinace López & Lorena Andrea Ortega Paiva - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-5.
    SARS-CoV-2 en 2019, generó que estudiantes Universitarios iniciaran su proceso de formación on-line. En el 2022 las restricciones mundiales dieron paso a un retorno paulatino, donde estos estudiantes, comenzaron su formación presencial. Debido a ello, encuestamos a 65 estudiantes para evaluar su percepción de esta transición. En relación al aprendizaje: 64,6% prefiere la presencialidad. Relacionado a comodidad un 61,5% prefiere la presencialidad. Relacionado a programas de perfeccionamiento 32,3% realizaría uno on-line. En relación a dedicación y compromiso con sus estudios, 76,9% (...)
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  16.  21
    Ancient Love of Wisdom and its Medieval Transformation.Juan Carlos Flores - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (3):217-234.
    Against the ancient background, the paper shows how philosophy, as a form of love, is transformed in the medieval period. Henry of Ghent's view of the aim of contemplation exemplifies this transformation, and indicates how medieval love of wisdom, as the synthesis of reason and revelation, can be an enhancement of the desire that animates ancient philosophy. In this telling case and at a fundamental level, faith and revelation stimulate love of wisdom even as reason endeavors to be reconciled with (...)
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  17.  12
    The a to Z of Medieval Philosophy and Theology.Stephen F. Brown & Juan Carlos Flores - 2010 - Scarecrow Press.
    Examining the influence of ancient Greek philosophy, as well as of the Arabian and Hebrew scholars who transmitted it, The A to Z of Medieval Philosophy and Theology presents the philosophy of the Christian West from the 9th to the early 17th century. This is accomplished through a chronology, an introduction, appendixes, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on the philosophers, concepts, issues, institutions, and events, making this an important reference for the study of the progression of human (...)
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  18.  68
    Frecuencia de factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama en una unidad de atención primaria.Guerra-Castañón Carlos Daniel, Avalos de la Tejera Maricarmen, González-Pérez Brian, Salas-Flores Ricardo & Sosa-López María Lucero - 2013 - El Dilema de la Enseñanza 27 (1):9.
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  19. Whence does the critic speak? A study of Foucault's genealogy.T. Carlos Jacques - 1991 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 17 (4):325-344.
  20.  58
    International Colloquium. Between Aquinas and Scotus. [REVIEW]Juan Carlos Flores - 2002 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 7 (1):233-236.
  21.  56
    Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Adalberto de Hoyos, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado, Jorge Mendez, Sergio Ricco, Ana Serrano, C. Flores Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Héctor Cisneros, P. G. Barbara & B. J. Gilbert - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:14.
    IntroductionCardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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  22. Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Adalberto de Hoyos, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado, Jorge Mendez, Sergio Ricco, Ana Serrano, Carmen Flores Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Héctor Cisneros, David Bialostozky, Nelly Altamirano-Bustamante & Myriam Altamirano-Bustamante - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:3.
    Cardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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  23.  33
    Deconstruction and Philosophy: The Texts of Jacques Derrida.Ralph Flores & John Sallis - 1988 - Substance 17 (3):73.
  24. Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement.Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Frank O. Anthun, Sharon Bailey, Giles Birchley, Henriette Bout, Carlo Casonato, Gloria González Fuster, Bert Heinrichs, Serge Horbach, Ingrid Skjæggestad Jacobsen, Jacques Janssen, Matthias Kaiser, Inge Lerouge, Barend van der Meulen, Sarah de Rijcke, Thomas Saretzki, Margit Sutrop, Marta Tazewell, Krista Varantola, Knut Jørgen Vie, Hub Zwart & Mira Zöller - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1023-1034.
    This document presents the Bonn PRINTEGER Consensus Statement: Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for research performing organisations. The aim of the statement is to complement existing instruments by focusing specifically on institutional responsibilities for strengthening integrity. It takes into account the daily challenges and organisational contexts of most researchers. The statement intends to make research integrity challenges recognisable from the work-floor perspective, providing concrete advice on organisational measures to strengthen integrity. The statement, which was concluded February 7th 2018, provides guidance on (...)
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  25. Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement.Mira Zöller, Hub Zwart, Knut Vie, Krista Varantola, Marta Tazewell, Margit Sutrop, Thomas Saretzki, Sarah Rijcke, Barend Meulen, Inge Lerouge, Matthias Kaiser, Jacques Janssen, Ingrid Jacobsen, Serge Horbach, Bert Heinrichs, Gloria Fuster, Carlo Casonato, Henriette Bout, Giles Birchley, Sharon Bailey, Frank Anthun & Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1023-1034.
    This document presents the Bonn PRINTEGER Consensus Statement: Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for research performing organisations. The aim of the statement is to complement existing instruments by focusing specifically on institutional responsibilities for strengthening integrity. It takes into account the daily challenges and organisational contexts of most researchers. The statement intends to make research integrity challenges recognisable from the work-floor perspective, providing concrete advice on organisational measures to strengthen integrity. The statement, which was concluded February 7th 2018, provides guidance on (...)
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  26.  45
    Perceptions of COVID-19 patients in the use of bioethical principles and the physician-patient relationship: a qualitative approach.Guillermo Cantú Quintanilla, Irma Eloisa Gómez-Guerrero, Nuria Aguiñaga-Chiñas, Mariana López Cervantes, Ignacio David Jaramillo Flores, Pedro Alonso Slon Rodríguez, Carlos Francisco Bravo Vargas, America Arroyo-Valerio & María del Carmen García-Higuera - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the approach to the health-disease system, raising the question about the principles of bioethics present in physician–patient relations. The principles while widely accepted may not be sufficient for a comprehensive ethical analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the perception of these principles and the physician–patient relationship during a hospital stay through a qualitative approach. Method Sixteen semi-structured interviews took place to know the patients’ perception during their 2020 hospitalization for COVID-19. (...)
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  27.  36
    Exploring the Evolution of Educational Methods: Perspectives from Imaginative Culture and Human Nature.Andrés Felipe Ariza García, María Luz González Díaz, Marcelo Fabian Rosero Santana, Juan Miguel Choque Flores & Carlos Volter Buenaño Pesántez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:54-61.
    Education is a fundamental pillar in human development, and its evolution throughout history has been influenced by a variety of factors, including imaginative culture and human nature. In this study, we explore how educational methods have evolved in response to the interaction between these two aspects. We look at how human creativity, imagination, and adaptation have influenced the way we teach and learn, from early forms of knowledge transmission to more contemporary approaches focused on active student engagement and the development (...)
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  28.  39
    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Erik Eynikel, Martien Parmentier, Carlo Leget, J. Vijgen, Marcel Sarot, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, G. Vanheeswijck, Paul Favraux, W. Lemmens, Walter Van Herck, Guido Vanheeswijck, Arie L. Molendijk & Annemie Dillen - 2002 - Bijdragen 63 (2):227-244.
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  29.  61
    Juan Carlos Flores, Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity. With a critical edition of question six of article fifty-five of the Summa quaestionum ordinariarum. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2006. Pp. viii, 239. $50.50. Distributed by Cornell University Press.Henricus de Gandavo, Quodlibet XV., ed., Girard Etzkorn and G. A. Wilson. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2007. Pp. lx, 200 plus separate errata sheet; 1 black-and-white figure and tables. $81.50. Distributed by Cornell University Press. [REVIEW]Steven P. Marrone - 2010 - Speculum 85 (3):671-673.
  30.  8
    La educación argentina en encrucijada: vigencia de los escritos de Jacques Maritain.Carlos Daniel Lasa & Constanza Diedrich (eds.) - 2017 - Salta, Argentina: EUCASA, Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta.
  31.  91
    The Budapest meeting 2005 intensified networking on ethics of science: The case of reproductive cloning, germline gene therapy and human dignity.Guido Van Steendam, András Dinnyés, Jacques Mallet, Rolando Meloni, Carlos Romeo Casabona, Jorge Guerra González, Josef Kuře, Eörs Szathmáry, Jan Vorstenbosch, Péter Molnár, David Edbrooke, Judit Sándor, Ferenc Oberfrank, Ron Cole-Turner, István Hargittai & Beate Littig - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (4):731-793.
    This paper reports on the meeting of the Sounding Board of the EU Reprogenetics Project that was held in Budapest, Hungary, 6–9 November 2005. The Reprogenetics Project runs from 2004 until 2007 and has a brief to study the ethical aspects of human reproductive cloning and germline gene therapy. Discussions during The Budapest Meeting are reported in depth in this paper as well as the initiatives to involve the participating groups and others in ongoing collaborations with the goal of forming (...)
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  32.  34
    La huella no dialéctica de la différance en los primeros textos de Jacques Derrida.Carlos Segovia - 2019 - Endoxa 44:251.
    Pese a cierta a tendencia actual, no hay un giro en Derrida, no hay un primer Derrida y un segundo Derrida si por esto se entiende que lo que él nombra como huella o como différance es otro nombre para la dialéctica.Desde la traducción al español de la tesina de Derrida, se viene defendiendo por algunos autores un Derrida antes de Derrida que no es tal.
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  33. Authenticity in Painting: Remarks on Michael Fried’s Art History.Michael Fried, Robert Pippin, Michel Chaouli, Stefan Andriopoulos, Richard Menke, Carlo Ginzburg, Dragan Kujundzic, Jacques Derrida & J. Hillis Miller - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (3):575.
    My topic is authenticity in or perhaps as painting, not the authenticity of paintings; I know next to nothing about the problem of verifying claims of authorship. I am interested in another kind of genuineness and fraudulence, the kind at issue when we say of a person that he or she is false, not genuine, inauthentic, lacks integrity, and, especially when we say he or she is playing to the crowd, playing for effect, or is a poseur. These are not (...)
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  34. Summary: The budapest meeting 2005 intensified networking on ethics of science.Guido Van Steendam, András Dinnyés, Jacques Mallet, Rolando Meloni, Carlos Romeo Casabona, Jorge Guerra González, Josef Kuře, Eörs Szathmáry, Jan Vorstenbosch, Péter Molnár, David Edbrooke, Judit Sándor, Ferenc Oberfrank, Ron Cole-Turner, István Hargittai & Beate Littig - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):415-420.
    This paper reports on the meeting of the Sounding Board of the EU Reprogenetics Project that was held in Budapest, Hungary, 6–9 November 2005. The Reprogenetics Project runs from 2004 until 2007 and has a brief to study the ethical aspects of human reproductive cloning and germline gene therapy. Discussions during The Budapest Meeting are reported in depth in this paper as well as the initiatives to involve the participating groups and others in ongoing collaborations with the goal of forming (...)
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  35.  10
    Carlos LLANO: Ensayos sobre José Gaos: metafísica y fenomenología, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas 2008, 213pp. [REVIEW]Mariana Flores - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):173-180.
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    Bookreviews.Katrin Hauspie, Bart J. Koet, H. Rikhof, Stefan Mangnus, Carlo Leget, W. Van Herck, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, Marinus van den Berg & Paul Schotsmans - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (1):114-124.
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  37.  16
    Closed Proceedings in Havana.Magalie Flores-Lonjou, Estelle Épinoux & Frank Healy - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):549-578.
    By analysing three works of fiction set in Havana, Fresa y Chocolate by Tomas Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabi, Retour à Ithaque by Laurent Cantet and Viva by Paddy Breathnach, we propose to study the Cuban capital as a sick body, as an architecturally, economically, politically and socially dilapidated organism. Its citizens struggle to survive, lacking basic necessities and trapped under a claustrophobic political and social surveillance, which the film directors convey through the use of a variety of (...)
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  38.  40
    Literature and Law in Jacques Derrida.Carlos Antonio Contreras Guala - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):95-110.
    RESUMEN Se estudia el vínculo entre literatura y derecho en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Se indican algunos recorridos de lectura y se dilucida lo que se entiende por literatura como institución, y su vínculo y alcances en relación con el plagio y con el derecho a decirlo todo en literatura. ABSTRACT The paper examines the connection between literature and law in the thought of Jacques Derrida. On the basis of certain readings, it explains literature as an institution, (...)
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  39. Jacques Maritain y la polémica del bien común.Carlos Santamaría - 1955 - Madrid,: A. C. N. de P..
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    Hermenêutica e desconstrução: a conciliação de Paul Ricoeur e a aporia de Jacques Derrida.Carlos Cardozo Coelho - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e31264.
    Este artigo pretende apresentar a diferença entre a hermenêutica e a desconstrução e mostrar a implicação de cada uma destas formas de entender o fenômeno do sentido na relação da filosofia com as outras “disciplinas” do pensamento. Para isso colocaremos dois pensadores em embate direto, a saber, Jacques Derrida e Paul Ricoeur. Enquanto Paul Ricoeur, com seu projeto hermenêutico, tenta encontrar uma conciliação entre os diversos saberes das ciências humanas com a metafísica, em uma época em que o estruturalismo (...)
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  41.  3
    Discutindo a Partilha Do Sensível de Jacques Rancière Como Dispositivo de Controle de Invisibilização da Homossexualidade.Carlos Henrique Lopes Almeida & Janielson Ferreira da Silva - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):123-134.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar o conceito de “partilha do sensível” esboçado pelo filósofo francês Jacques Rancière dentro de uma ótica de dispositivo de controle da homossexualidade, este conceito está relacionado a ideia de que a partilha do sensível possui uma crítica de Jacques Rancière com relação a ideia de uma estrutura social de Platão, que representa uma estrutura estática, uma estrutura engessada, que privilegia aquele que já se encontrou na sociedade. Esse conceito mais particular de (...)
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  42. Educación, sociologismo y ratio científica.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2017 - In Carlos Daniel Lasa & Constanza Diedrich, La educación argentina en encrucijada: vigencia de los escritos de Jacques Maritain. Salta, Argentina: EUCASA, Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta.
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    Il teismo filosofico di Alasdair MacIntyre a confronto con la teologia post–liberale e post–moderna.Carlo Leonardi - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):149.
    Nel breve spazio del presente lavoro, intendo dar conto dell’“habitus teologico” che caratterizza lo stile filosofico di Alasdair MacIntyre : “religiously musical” è infatti — a mio avviso — il più insolito, e allo stesso tempo il più suadente, epiteto attribuito al filosofo scozzese dai teologi James Gustafson e Stanley Hauerwas. Tale habitus è altresì esaltato dalla diffusa propensione a saldare insieme — senza apparente soluzione di continuità — il modus philosophandi macintyriano e alcune recenti figure della teologia cristiana post–liberale (...)
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    Derrin Pinto y Carlos de Pablos-Ortega (2014). Seamos pragmáticos: Introducción a la pragmática española. [REVIEW]Linda Flores Ohlson - 2016 - Pragmática Sociocultural 4 (1):145-147.
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  45. Filosofía y desconcierto. El pensamiento de Jacques Derrida: traducción y transición. Diálogo con Patricio Peñalver.José Carlos Bernal Pastor - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 37 (113):51-78.
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    Philosophie contre intelligence artificielle.Jacques Bolo - 1996 - Paris: Lingua Franca.
    This essay replies to some representative authors, canonic indeed, of the opposition to artificial intelligence : Hubert L. DREYFUS, with his study, systematic enough in its time, What Computers can't do. His phenomenological critic meets a numerous audience, even among computer scientists. Joseph WEIZENBAUM, research worker in artificial intelligence himself, gone over to the opposition with his book Computer Power and Human Reason. His objections are classically moral and anti-techno-scientific. The philosopher John R. SEARLE, whose book Mind, Brain and Science (...)
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    Systems theory and deconstruction.Carlos Durán - 2013 - Cinta de Moebio 46:26-36.
    The following article attempts to be a contribution to the reflection on the lines of continuity, proximity relations and possibles elements of differentiationon two theoretical fields of growing importance within the social sciences: theory of systems of Niklas Luhmann and the deconstruction of Jacques Derrida. Along with accounting for the extent of both theories for reflection on the foundations of the social sciences, this article tries to install some useful questions for self-observation of the epistemological foundations of this field (...)
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    Emancipación, temporalidad y literatura en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida.Carlos Contreras Guala - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:128 - 133.
    En este escrito se tratará sobre la figura de la emancipación en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Vinculada a la emancipación y la revolución, se mostrará la extraña temporalidad vinculada a lo mesiánico sin mesianismo. Finalmente, se presentará de modo aún esquemático la potencia emancipadora de la literatura. De un modo quizás chocante esta fuerza emancipadora aparece ligada al carácter de institución y desde lo que Derrida llama el principio o el derecho a decir todo.
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    Spectatorship and Film Theory: The Wayward Spectator.Carlo Comanducci - 2011 - Springer Verlag.
    This book interrogates the relation between film spectatorship and film theory in order to criticise some of the disciplinary and authoritarian assumptions of 1970s apparatus theory, without dismissing its core political concerns. Theory, in this perspective, should not be seen as a practice distinct from spectatorship but rather as an integral aspect of the spectator’s gaze. Combining Jacques Rancière’s emancipated spectator with Judith Butler’s queer theory of subjectivity, Spectatorship and Film Theory foregrounds the contingent, embodied and dialogic aspects of (...)
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    El rastro Del otro en Jacques Derrida.José Carlos Bernal Pastor - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 34:111-118.
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